The data regression reveals that the main determinants for Japan's FDI to China includes the market content of China, the Sino-Japanese bilateral trade, the real exchange rate and the Sino-Japanese real wage differential. 结果表明,日本对华直接投资的主要影响因素包括中国市场容量、中日双边贸易、实际汇率和中日实际工资差异。
Because the exchange rate risk comes from the fluctuation of exchange rate, so after doing the logarithmic and differential treatment to the time series, first of all analyses the fluctuation characteristics of the yield sequences we get. 因为汇率风险来自汇率的波动,所以在对日汇率中间价序列进行对数差分处理后,首先研究得到的收益率序列的波动特征。